How To Use Lighting For Your Horror-Themed Parties

If you are going to host a horror party event, you should remember that darkness and scary costumes are not the only way to create a scary atmosphere. The right lighting is also a great way to create a great ambiance for your horror party. Should you choose to use lights in your horror parties, you should make sure that you know the best lights to use. The right choice of lighting is a way to enhance your overall horror design, Here are some great lighting options for your horror parties. 

Have A Set Theme

Your theme is a very important aspect of lighting up your horror party. Remember that your choice of theme will affect how your overall party will come out. Your theme could be practically anything. You could use the haunted house trope or the serial killer theme. You could also use a monster theme. If you are going to choose a theme, you should make sure that you could follow it through, and stay consistent with it. 

Set A Budget For The Party

If you are going to use lights for your horror party, you should make sure that you have a set budget for your lighting options. Remember that you are expected to spend money on decorating your party. However, this does not mean that you should spend all your money on decorating your venue. Take the time to list down all your lighting options, and the available funds that you could use. 

Get The Right Lighting Provider

If you are going to use lighting methods to create a specific atmosphere for your horror parties, then it is important that you have the right lighting providers. Remember that your choice of lighting provider will affect how your overall design will look. For example, you are going to use LED strips to decorate your party. Why not try out Elstar? The company is one of the top led strip suppliers in the world. 

If you want to expand your lighting options, you should try out Matchsourcing. The company is more than capable of giving you access to the best lighting manufacturers. By working with this company, you will be able to give your venue a sinister and exciting glow. 

Use Multiple Colors 

If you want to create a spooky ambiance for your show, you should utilize multiple color schemes. While it is ok to use a single type of color for your lighting, you should also experiment with various lighting colors. Just make sure that your lights fit your overall theme.  

Use Lights To Highlight The Darkness

Yet another way you could create a scary ambiance for your horror party, is to light up only a section of your venue and leave certain parts dark. The contrast will create a sinister and scary effect on your visitors. Just make sure that you follow safety measures when you install them in your home or venue.  If you are going to install lights, you should make sure that you follow safety measures. You should wear gloves when you install your lights. You should also turn off all your power sources before you install your lights. This will allow you to install your lights without any danger. 

Use Neon Lights To Create A Spectral Glow

Yet another way you could create a scary and creepy effect for your party, is to use neon lights to create a spectral glow. Compared to other lighting options, neon lights are not as crisp as other lights. They usually have a certain bleeding effect that could be used to create a spectral glow. For example, you use neon strips and install them on a specific part of your home. After that, you could use smoke machines to create a mist-like effect. By doing so, you will be able to create an eerie effect. You could also use neon lights as monster eyes for some of your props.

Use Lights to Highlight Specific Shapes

Aside from using neon lights, you could also use LED strips to highlight specific shapes. This will help to create a scary effect. For example, you could use green or reddish LED lights to surround a certain object in your horror party. This will help to highlight them to your guests. If you want the very best quality lights, you should invest in Elstar. The company creates some of the best LED lights and should fit all your lighting needs. 


If you are going to use lighting for your horror parties, you should make sure that you how to create the right atmosphere. Remember that your choice of lighting could enhance the overall effect of your horror-themed parties. With these tips, you’ll be able to use lighting options in the best way possible. 

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