Top 9 Living Room Design Ideas

Renovating your home is the first step towards reinvention. Then comes designing. Even if you do not renovate, wanting to redesign your living room will demand your creative vision in spades. If you feel that you are running out of ideas, the following tips will help you get back on track. 

1. Have a focal point

There is so much you can do with your furniture and the walls of your living room. No part of your living room is too odd to be a focal point. You can choose to center the sofa in such a way that it becomes a focal point, or you can choose your wall to dominate the design of a living room.

Most of the time, the structure of the house is such that the living room has odd angles and edges. You can use those to your advantage by putting the focus on them rather than off them. Choose an interesting wallpaper to draw attention to the walls, or choose one of your furniture pieces to be the focal point of the living room and arrange everything around it. 

2. Fabric is your Friend

Many people think that if you use a lot of carpets and rugs and textured curtains, you might be overburdening the design of your living room. That is not always the case. 

You can go for the classy and elegant style for the casual and comfortable style with fabric. Choose a soft fur rug to add cozy vibes to your living room. Choose a blanket with a unique design and texture and draped over the back of your sofa. Make choices that will help your living room become a welcoming place.


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3. Use Unique Trinkets

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to make a lot of adjustments to how your living room is designed. If you do not want to renovate from scratch, you can just revamp the design of your living room. This can be easily done through the type of decoration that you are using.

Choose tabletop displays that are eye-catching and add to the ambiance of your living room. You can even experiment and choose to display trinkets like a shoe glass bottle for a classy appearance.

4. Use Optical Illusion to your Advantage

There is so much you can do to alter the appearance of your living room if you are ready to be creative. Optical illusion can help you when you feel cramped for space. 

Choose light and bright colors if you want your living room to look more expansive. If you do not want to renovate and still want a high ceiling, then you can choose a wallpaper or a design with vertical lines so that your walls look longer than they actually are.

5. Portraits and Lush Colors

You want to go with a luxury feel and want your guests to feel the extravagance, then choose lush colors. Choosing to go with rich colors is a great choice, especially if you have a preference for or golden furniture or centerpieces. Choosing a portrait will set the tone of your living room as the art piece will tell each viewer how you want to be seen.

A rich maroon or a velvety purple will add luxury to your living room. If you want to go with finery, you can choose a wall color that is complementary to your furniture. Choose blingy centerpieces that can add to the setup but do not take attention away from it. Try to maintain a balance between luxury and comfort. 

6. Optimize all the Space

Many people forget that they can experiment with the space of their living room without risking its appearance. If you feel like the floor is bare, choose a rug to cover the space. Use the space behind the sofa to add a bookshelf or a portrait. Choose your wall placements strategically so that the living room does not feel cramped. 

7. If you are Looking for Space

There are many ways to go about designing your living room. If you want it to appear spacious, then all your furniture and design choices need to blend well together. Choose neutral colors for your furniture pieces. Select a table with a glass tabletop as it will give an illusion of space. 

Choose wall-mounted lamps if you cannot compromise space for side tables. Add a big mirror on a wall, somewhere behind the sofa, to optimize space. A mirror will create the illusion of the space being bigger than it actually is. If you want some color in your living room, either go with colorful cushions or opt for a houseplant or two. 

8. Make it Living

When it comes to bringing life into your living room, go literal. You can go with houseplants that you can place by the window or on a sunny area of your bookshelf. The pop of green is perfect for any living room. If you want more colors, then go for flowering plants or ones with colorful leaves. If you do not want to get into the maintenance of a houseplant, you can start small with succulents. 

9. Choose White

Many of us believe that white furniture or walls will require more upkeep than colored ones. This is a misconception — all walls and furniture demand some extent of maintenance. White walls or furniture can have a calming effect on the inhabitants of the living room while giving a luxurious feel. 

Best Living Room Design Ideas

If you want the space to look broader, choosing white is the answer. You can always add color with houseplants, books, cushions, or portraits. You can also choose to display your bottled and jarred packaged goods for color and to appear more relaxed and hospitable.


Living room designing is a fun experience if you know how you want the living room to look. You do not even need to hire an interior designer and experiment with the design to get a homely feel. Ensure that you stick to a theme that you have chosen for yourself.

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